News and Updates for October

Dreams of Gerontius logoThis is a monthly update of treasure hunt, game and puzzle tidbits.

Harry Hid It, But Where Is It?” is an armchair treasure hunt with a prize of at least $5000. Harry has hidden his stolen treasure and the challenge is to find where. Entries can be submitted between 1 March and 15 June, 2017.

Clues to the treasure are found in an adventure novel which can be bought for $9.99 as a download or $19.99 for a physical copy. The first five chapters are available for free to check if it’s your sort of thing.

Ghostlanders” is an armchair treasure hunt centred around the beautiful sights of Scotland. It started in July, but runs until December 2016 so there’s still plenty of time to get on board. The prize is a Victorian florin

Each month, two clues to the hunt can be bought for £4.50. With a total of 12 clues between July and December, this makes the total cost to enter the hunt a rather sturdy £27. All clues can be solved from your armchair, provided you can reach the Internet from it, apart from the last. I’m not sure if this means you have to travel to Scotland for the final clue!

If you want to check whether this hunt is for you, the Questmaker ran a previous hunt called The Quest For the Golden Lion. The full set of clues from that hunt can be purchased for just £1.

Nick Bantock, author of The Egyptian Jukebox has announced that he is starting work on a new conundrum. His previous conundrum was very enjoyable. Watch this space for more news!

Art from Troll Bridge

Troll Bridge by Neil Gaiman and Colleen Doran

And finally, Neil Gaiman’s 1993 story “Troll Bridge” has just been adapted (a second time) into a graphic novel by Colleen Doran. No puzzle to solve, but Gaiman always writes engaging stories and the artwork is finely detailed.

I recently reviewed A Study In Emerald, the game based on the Neil Gaiman short story of the same name. Check it out for a link to a free download of the story.


Got any news to share? Leave a comment here or tweet me and I’ll include it in next month’s update!

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